Solar News & Information

Solar Energy at a Transition to Mainstream

October 21, 2019

Energy transitions in the U.S. and across the globe happen due to a combination of needs and demand, government policies, and the underlying economics of the energy sources. While there is ongoing debate about the future of how we power the U.S., many states are taking a stronger leadership role in local electricity transitions. States like Massachusetts have been leading for almost a decade.

For homeowners investigating solar power options, it is fair to question how recognized and valued solar energy is today. And what about the near future, too?

So we decided to conduct a quick survey of reports and news about the industry.

Solar Energy in Massachusetts

As the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Energy (SMART) program was announced in early 2018, the governor highlighted that at the end of 2017, the state achieved 2 GW of solar power capacity. At that time it was reported that the state was generating one of the highest portions of solar energy in the east, at nearly 5% of the overall power supply. 78,646 installations were recorded at that time.

Fast forward to the third quarter of 2019. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) Massachusetts data, the state continues on a positive trajectory.

Comparing 2017 and Midpoint 2019
Massachusetts solar data
Year Total Capacity Amount of Power Supply Total Installations
2 GW
~ 5%
2019 (2Q)
2.6 GW
~ 11%

Importantly for 2020 and beyond, the state Department of Energy Resources (DOER) is conducting its first annual SMART program review. Stakeholders from across the state are meeting with the DOER and reviewing proposed improvements to the program. Many advocates are pushing for more aggressive changes.  In addition to the SEIA, Vote Solar is lobbying for upwards of 4,800 MW additional solar capacity in the new updates.

We will have more to report as early as November or December of 2019, when the DOER begins to make details official.:

United States Solar Energy Predictions

While geopolitics and certain local policy changes are difficult to forecast, a number of organizations with a track record have a very positive outlook for the world solar energy market.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is an agency that, among other things, regulates the transmission and wholesale sale of electricity that falls under interstate commerce. To be effective, the agency collects and studies data, and makes routine forecasts for near and long term energy trends. Some near term FERC renewable energy predictions (by 2022) include:

  • Traditional generation will plateau, with natural gas generation experiencing a small net growth when subtracting retirements from anticipated additions. Coal generation will continue to decline.
  • Solar energy and wind will experience a massive growth, reaching nearly 25% of the total generating capacity in the U.S.
  • By the numbers, natural gas net additions are forecast at around 17 GW (additions minus retirements), while solar and wind are forecast at more than 43 GW (with negligible retirements).

Good News for Massachusetts Homeowners

What is the good news? At the very least, we can say solar power in Massachusetts and in the U.S. has become mainstream. Is it a full energy transition? You can be the judge.

What is clear > anyone thinking of adding solar to their list of investments will be joining many tens of thousands of other Bay State homeowners in becoming self-sufficient while saving a lot of money over 25+ years.

More importantly, those who go solar will not only be banking money, they will be adding value to their homes, too. Recently a large online real estate concern conducted a casual study and determined buyers will be extra for a home with a solar energy system. On average, they are paying nearly 5% more across the country. See the Zillow study summarized by CNBC here. Massachusetts tracks closely to nearby New York.

SunRa Solar Committment

Any home that is suitable for solar can save thousands. In addition to avoiding paying for some or all of your power, a buyer will see extra financial benefit thanks to the new and more predictable SMART compensation program.

This is a reason SunRa Solar offers easy and no obligation evaluations for homeowners.

  1. The company can quickly review your home’s suitability.
  2. There will be more timely and accurate insight into the current status of each utility within the SMART Block framework.
  3. Therefore an accurate investment and savings estimate can be provided.

Contact Us with questions or to see exactly how solar power will work for YOUR home, saving you thousands. It’s a free evaluation with absolutely no obligation.